HHAMA was set up in 2005 to mediate Inter-country adoption in accordance with the Irish Adoption Board’s (IAB) regulations and requirements. The agency was established to meet the requirements of the state to state agreement with Vietnam which required Irish adoptions to be mediated by a licensed Irish agency. The agency has operated strictly within the scope and terms of that agreement. It is a not-for-profit body and was licensed by the IAB*.
*) The IAB has subsequently been re-established as the Adoption Authority of Ireland, (AAI) in accordance with the provisions of compliance with The Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Inter-country Adoption.
Applying to HHAMA to register for any country programme is subject to attending a pre-registration meeting to understand the country processes and eligibility as well as to develop an understanding of additional medical needs, age and gender expectations. Following a review of each applicants expectations and approval, HHAMA will recommend a country (or countries) programme(s) which will give the applicant the best opportunity of completing an adoption or a realistic response in terms of the programmes we operate. Following the completion of this review and the submission of an additional needs checklist and care plan an applicant may be invited to register when it is appropriate. We strongly recommend applicants discuss choice of country with HHAMA before making a final decision on country programme.