India programme
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India programme

As with all our adoption programmes, we recommend applicants contact us for an overview of all country programmes as selecting a country is an important decision and by discussing the different programmes with HHAMA applicants can be helped to make a decision which is informed and realistic in terms of completing an adoption.

To indicate your interest in the India programme, please email us at  We will respond to your Inquiry with our information email and details of how you can pre-register with HHAMA to avail of our service..

Applicants should be aware that there has been 1 referral from India since the opening of the programme.  We urge caution in selecting India as a programme for adoption.  We will monitor the programme with the Adoption Authority of Ireland and update applicants should the situation change. It is imperative you contact HHAMA before selecting India as a country of choice for your adoption.


10th May 2017 update

HHAMA Irish Fees

The HHAMA Fee applies to the Irish costs for intercountry adoption and is additional to the Sending Country Programme fee.

Details of the HHAMA Irish Fee are currently available on our Fees page

Sending Country Fees

N.B. These are in-country (India) costs only.   The payment of fees in India is under revision pending Government approval, until announced otherwise, the current fee schedule remains in place.

Charge #1 India Costs to CARA* $5,000
Charge #2 Facilitation in India $1,500
TOTAL India Program Fee  $6,500

*Charge #1 is payable in 2 stages, $3,000 at time of acceptance of referral and $2,000 and the time of adoption Court Order.

NOTE : Per CARA Guidelines– ‘To be paid by direct debit to the RIPA through the AFAA, in two equal instalments – one upon acceptance of the referral and the other on issue of the NOC by CARA. The prospective adoptive parents should not make any other payments to the RIPA other than the amounts stipulated above.’

Please contact us for a dossier listing and for a formal invitation to register for this program as, with all of our programs, it is important your application and expectations match the realistic profile of the children available from India.

The critical element of a dossier for India is that the homestudy report must conform to CARA acceptable format.  Please discuss with HHAMA should your assessment be underway so we can bring this template to your attention.

HHAMA and the Adoptive Parents have an obligation to keep CARA and concerned RIPA informed about the progress of placement through quarterly post-placement reports during the first year and half yearly reports during the second year of the child’s arrival in the receiving country and such follow-up shall continue up to a period of two years after the child acquires citizenship of the receiving country.

HHAMA also has an obligation to draw immediate special attention of its Central Authority or concerned Government Department, Indian embassy or mission, CARA and the concerned RIPA in cases where the final legal order for adoption does not take place within a period of 2 years of arrival in the receiving country. To this end HHAMA require a copy of the Entry in the Register of Inter-country Adoptions of Ireland.