January 2021
HHAMA is delighted to announce that we have been granted provisional approval to mediate the intercountry adoption programme with The Philippines. The approval process for full formal accreditation by NCAB requires a visit to the HHAMA premises and, due to current travel restrictions globally, that has had to be postponed. However, with the granting of provisional accreditation HHAMA is now able to process applications for The Philippines programme.
As with all our adoption programmes, we recommend applicants contact us for an overview of all country programmes as selecting a country is an important decision and by discussing the different programmes with HHAMA applicants can be helped to make a decision which is informed and realistic in terms of completing an adoption.
To indicate your interest in the Philippines programme, please email us at helpinghands.ama@gmail.com We will respond to your Inquiry with our information email and details of how you can pre-register with HHAMA to avail of our service..